26 January, 2010

These Days

Strange stumbling across the profile of someone I used to care a great deal for. Two years ago now? At least, I thought I did at the time. Not positive or negative really. Just strange. And perhaps a bit lonely. (Beautiful girlfriend now. And me...?) Although, I'm not convinced I ever truly knew him. I think I just wanted something so badly that I persuaded myself it was mine for a while. "You can't go forcing something if it's just not right," sings Green Day. And it wasn't right.

Well, it's all in the past now. This goes out to WP.

* * * * *


pebbles tapped my window pane

in a borrowed dream


Rae said...

Another thought provoking one. Couldn't really just click one of your options on this one. Was tempted to check WTF! but was afraid it would be misunderstood.

You're awesome. He's not and never was (or will be!) and you're right about not really knowing him. Plus I have to add that you *TOTALLY* smoke his current girlfriend...I mean completely leave her in the dust.

Kim said...

Ha ha, Love that you almost checked that one! Thank you for your extremely sweet comment. ^_^

I should probably also add (and think you may agree) on top of not knowing him that I didn't know myself or what I wanted very well at the time, either. I hope things have changed a little since then.

Thanks again, Rae.